17 research outputs found

    Assessing Seagrass Restoration Actions through a Micro-Bathymetry Survey Approach (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)

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    Underwater photogrammetry provides a means of generating high-resolution products such as dense point clouds, 3D models, and orthomosaics with centimetric scale resolutions. Underwater photogrammetric models can be used to monitor the growth and expansion of benthic communities, including the assessment of the conservation status of seagrass beds and their change over time (time lapse micro-bathymetry) with OBIA classifications (Object-Based Image Analysis). However, one of the most complex aspects of underwater photogrammetry is the accuracy of the 3D models for both the horizontal and vertical components used to estimate the surfaces and volumes of biomass. In this study, a photogrammetry-based micro-bathymetry approach was applied to monitor Posidonia oceanica restoration actions. A procedure for rectifying both the horizontal and vertical elevation data was developed using soundings from high-resolution multibeam bathymetry. Furthermore, a 3D trilateration technique was also tested to collect Ground Control Points (GCPs) together with reference scale bars, both used to estimate the accuracy of the models and orthomosaics. The root mean square error (RMSE) value obtained for the horizontal planimetric measurements was 0.05 m, while the RMSE value for the depth was 0.11 m. Underwater photogrammetry, if properly applied, can provide very high-resolution and accurate models for monitoring seagrass restoration actions for ecological recovery and can be useful for other research purposes in geological and environmental monitoring

    Accurate Localization in Acoustic Underwater Localization Systems

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    In underwater localization systems several sources of error may impact in different ways the accuracy of the final position estimates. Through simulations and statistical analysis it is possible to identify and characterize such sources of error and their relative importance. This is especially of use when an accurate localization system has to be designed within required accuracy prescriptions. This approach allows one to also investigate how much these sources of error influence the final position estimates achieved by an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). This paper presents the results of experiments designed in a virtual environment used to simulate real acoustic underwater localization systems. The paper intends to analyze the main parameters that significantly influence the position estimates achieved by a Short Baseline (SBL) system. Specifically, the results of this analysis are presented for a proprietary localization system constituted by a surface platform equipped with four acoustic transducers used for the localization of an underwater target. The simulator here presented has the purpose of simulating the hardware system and modifying some of its design parameters, such as the base-line length and the errors on the GPS and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) units, in order to understand which parameters have to modify for improving the accuracy of the entire positioning system. It is shown that statistical analysis techniques can be of help in determining the best values of these parameters that permit to improve the performance of a real hardware system

    18 month observational study on efficacy of intraarticular hyaluronic acid (Hylan G-F 20) injections under ultrasound guidance in hip osteoarthritis

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and the tolerability of viscosupplementation (VS) with hyaluronic acid (Hylan GF 20) in a cohort of 36 patients affected by hip osteoarthritis through a 18 months follow-up. Methods: Viscosupplementation was performed with an anteriorsagittal approach, under ultrasound guidance. 36 patients were administered hyaluronic acid intraarticularly in the hip, with a unique injection of Hylan G-F20, which could be repeated after at least 3 months. Treatment efficacy was assessed by functional index WOMAC, pain evaluation on a visual analogue scale and NSAID consumption. All such parameters were recorded at the time of the first injection and then 3, 6, 9, 12 and 18 months later. Results: Statistically significant reduction of all parameters was observed three months after the injection, and was still maintained at the timepoints 6, 9, 12 and 18 months. No local side effects have been observed, nor systemic complications. Conclusions: Our data show that viscosupplementation is a promising approach for hip osteoarthritis, providing beneficial effects in a long-tern follow up. Yet, the topic deserves further and wider studies, so to define the number of injections to administer and suggest a fit interval between subsequent injections

    De-regulated expression of the BRG1 chromatin remodeling factor in bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells induces senescence associated with the silencing of NANOG and changes in the levels of chromatin proteins

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    Stem cells have a peculiar chromatin architecture that contributes to their unique properties, including uncommitted status, multi/pluripotency and self-renewal. We analyzed the effect of the de-regulation of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex in mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) through the silencing and up-regulation of BRG1, which is the ATPase subunit of the complex. The altered expression of BRG1 promoted the senescence of MSC with suppression of the NANOG transcription, which is part of the transcriptional circuitry governing stem cell functions. To gain insight on the way NANOG was silenced, we evaluated how the de-regulated BRG1 expression affect the binding of activators and repressors on the NANOG promoter. We found 4 E2F binding motifs on NANOG promoter, which can be occupied by RB1 and RB2/P130. These are members of the retinoblastoma gene family. In MSC with a silenced BRG1, the relative binding of the 2 retinoblastoma proteins increased, and this was associated with the recruitment of DNMT1. This induced the methylation of CpG on the NANOG promoter. Opposingly, when a high level of BRG1 was present, the same E2F binding motifs were docking sites for BRG1, which induced chromatin compaction without CpG methylation but with increased histone deacetylation, associated with the presence of HDAC1 on E2F binding sites. Besides the sharp regulation of the NANOG expression, we evidenced, through proteomic analysis, that the de-regulation of the SWI/SNF function affected the expression of histones and other nuclear proteins involved in “nuclear architecture,” suggesting that BRG1 may act as global regulator of gene expression

    De-regulated expression of the BRG1 chromatin remodeling factor in bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells induces senescence associated with the silencing of NANOG and changes in the levels of chromatin proteins

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    <p>Stem cells have a peculiar chromatin architecture that contributes to their unique properties, including uncommitted status, multi/pluripotency and self-renewal. We analyzed the effect of the de-regulation of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex in mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) through the silencing and up-regulation of BRG1, which is the ATPase subunit of the complex. The altered expression of BRG1 promoted the senescence of MSC with suppression of the NANOG transcription, which is part of the transcriptional circuitry governing stem cell functions. To gain insight on the way NANOG was silenced, we evaluated how the de-regulated BRG1 expression affect the binding of activators and repressors on the NANOG promoter. We found 4 E2F binding motifs on NANOG promoter, which can be occupied by RB1 and RB2/P130. These are members of the retinoblastoma gene family. In MSC with a silenced BRG1, the relative binding of the 2 retinoblastoma proteins increased, and this was associated with the recruitment of DNMT1. This induced the methylation of CpG on the NANOG promoter. Opposingly, when a high level of BRG1 was present, the same E2F binding motifs were docking sites for BRG1, which induced chromatin compaction without CpG methylation but with increased histone deacetylation, associated with the presence of HDAC1 on E2F binding sites. Besides the sharp regulation of the NANOG expression, we evidenced, through proteomic analysis, that the de-regulation of the SWI/SNF function affected the expression of histones and other nuclear proteins involved in “nuclear architecture,” suggesting that BRG1 may act as global regulator of gene expression.</p

    Cronache meridionali. A. IX, Nuova serie, n.1-5 (1962)

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    N. 1 (gennaio 1962): Chiaromonte, G., «Centro-sinistra» e questione meridionale, P. 3 ; De Jaco, A.,Il disastro della Fiumarella ; Ferrretti, G., (conclusioni), Le Università nel Mezzogiorno, P. 27 ; Cosenza, L., Problemi di urbanistica per lo sviluppo democratico del Mezzogiorno, P. 50 ; Fontani, A., La Chiesa, le organizzazioni cattoliche e l'emigrazione, P. 61 ; Valenza, P., Due riunioni ad Avellino e Potenza, P. 78 ; Leucci, G., Verso la Conferenza regionale pugliese, P. 84 ; Delogu, S., L'assistenza sanitaria nel Mezzogiorno e nelle Isol, P. 95 ; Recensioni e segnalazioni, P. 114.N. 2-3 (febbraio-marzo 1962): Questione meridionale e lotta antimonopolistica, P. 3 ; Chiaromonte, G., Il movimento operaio italiano e l'industrializzazione del Mezzogiorno, P. 14 ; 328.333 addetti in più nel Mezzogiorno - 356.148 addetti in più a Milano, P. 49 ; D'Antonio, M., Dalla «preindustrializzazione» al «poli di sviluppo», P. 53 ; La dinamica degli investimenti industriali, P. 67 ; Il giudizio della C.G.i.l. sull'attuale situazione del Mezzogiorno, P. 72 ; Vitale, Giuseppe, V., Nuovi rapporti fra monopoli e agricoltura, P. 78 ; Sereni, E., La riforma stralcio, il mercato nazionale e gli investimenti di capitali in agricoltura, P. 92 ; Nicastro, G., Panorama industriale della Sicilia, P. 103 ; Granati, F., Fattori propulsivi e strozzature per la piccola e media industria, P. 116 ; Valenza, P., Tendenze e contraddizioni di fondo dell'apparato industriale napoletano, P. 137 ; Vignola, G., Sviluppo industriale e agricolo in provincia di Salerno, P. 145 ; Delogu, I., L'istruzione tecnica e professionale nel Mezzogiorno, P. 160 ; Di Noi, V., Lo stabilimento petrolchimico e la politica della Montecatini, P. 181 ; Limiti, D., Dall'Arsenale al quarto centro siderurgico, P. 194 ; Fermariello, G., e U. Fornari, L'intervento del Sindacato nella politica di sviluppo, P. 205 ; Cardia, U., Urbanizzazione e sviluppo industriale nella città di Cagliari, P. 218 ; Tamburrino, L., La condizione operaia nella Olivetti dì Pozzuoli, P. 227 ; Analisi di un gruppo di Comuni in un' «area di sviluppo industriale», P. 259 ; Villari, R., La prima espansione industriale italiana e la questione meridionale, P. 269 ; Giannini, M., e M. Pistillo, L'«area di sviluppo» di Bari, P. 186 ; La Conferenza nazionale del P .C.I. sull'emigrazione dal Mezzogiorno, P. 285.N. 4 (aprile 1962): Chiaromonte, G., Le elezioni del 10 giugno, P.3 ; Grifone, P., Il governo di centro-sinistra e la riforma agraria, P. 9 ; Bertoli, G., La nazionalizzazione delle Calabro-lucane, P. 24 ; Marmidone a Napoli, P. 36 ; Pirastu, I., Il piano di rinascita della Sardegna, P. 39 ; Il disegno di legge approvato dal Senato ed il testo del nuovo piano presentato dal governo alla Camera, P. 48 ; L'inchiesta parlamentare sulla mafia, P. 80 ; Un dibattito sul film «Salvatore Giuliano», P. 85 ; Rassegna della stampa, P. 88 ; Freda, I., Francesco De Sanctis ; Schiattarella, P., Raffaele Colapietra ; Chiaromonte, G., Napoli dopo un secolo, P. 99.N. 5 (maggio 1962): Amendola, G., Le contraddizioni del centro-sinistra, P. 3 ; Italo Pietra, meridionalista, P. 14 ; D'Antonio, M., L'undicesirno bilancio della Cassa per il Mezzogiorno di Mariano, P. 15 ; Napolitano, G., La Relazione prograrrimatica delle partecipazioni statali, P. 27 ; Chiaromonte, G., Le incredibili vicende del piano regolatote di Napoli, P. 35 ; Rossitto, F., Due proposte per lo sviluppo dell'economia siciliana, P. 46 ; Guardo, M., Siracusa, « polo » di sviluppo, P. 63 ; Capobianco, G., La riforma agraria in Campania, P. 74 ; Argiroffi, E., Le malattie dei figli delle raccoglitrici di ulive, P. 84 ; Rassegna della stampa, P. 96. ; Incoronato, L., Letteratura subalterna e letteratura di opposizione, P. 99 ; Recensioni e segnalazioni, P. 106